2016-2017 Results
State Championship
Rawlins Feb. 17-19 2017
First Place & Little Coyote - Clint Hurlburt, Melvin Oldaker. Little Coyote 21.73 lbs.
Second Place Cenny Burnell, Laramie Wigington, Shay Curuchet
Third Place & Big Coyote - Cale Waldrip, Cody Waldrip, Andy Skordas. Big Coyote 35.75 lbs.
Fourth Place & Lucky Loser - Caleb Newton, Colten Gillum
Scrawny Dog - Lucas Goodsell, Justin Stevenson
Circuit Champions
First Place - Cenny Burnell, Laramie Wigington, Shay Curuchet
Second Place - Andy Samuelson, Garland Samuelson, Brady Samuelson
Third Place - Kyle Leithead, Jason Fernandez, Chuck Sullivan
Kemmerer Nov. 5 2016
First Place - Laramie Wiginton, Shay Curuchet, Cenny Burnell
Second Place - Jess Egbert, Bob Pinter, Kole Egbert
Third Place - Chuck Sullivan, Jason Fernandez, Kyle Leithead
Big Coyote - Garland Samuelson, Andy Samuelson, Brady Samuelson. Big Coyote 36.1 lbs.
Little Coyote - Pecolar, Pecolar, Maes. Little Coyote 16.3 lbs.
Riverton Nov. 19 2016
First Place - Johnson, Johnson and Shaw
Second Place - Samuelson, Samuelson and Samuelson ”Team Spray Can”
Third Place - Gillespie and Cheese
Fourth Place - Carruth and Till
Fifth Place - Leclair and Leclair
Sixth Place - Miller and Stone
Seventh Place - Gillum and Newton
Little Coyote - St.Clair and Lebeau. Little Coyote 15.11 lbs.
Big Coyote - Burson, Brown and Burnell. Big Dog 33.8 lbs
Casper Dec. 10 2016
Cody Dec. 17 2016
Cheyenne Jan. 7 2017
Gillette Jan. 21 2017
Rock Springs Feb. 4 2017