2020-2021 Results
State Championship
Rock Springs Nov. 5-7 2020
1st place team, Coyote Assasins, and Big Coyote winners Nemnich, Nemnich, Nemnich, and Rye
2nd place team Gillum and Roberson
3rd place team and Little Coyote winners Hurlbert and Oldaker
4th place team Leseberg and Spencer
5th place team Hill, Lovelace, and Hill
6th place team Thies and Ballard
7th place team, Yates and Sybert
Circuit Champions
Circuit Champions Angell and Leithead
Circuit runner up team Goodsell, Gould, and Stevenson
Kemmerer Nov. 16 2020
1st place team Wiginton and Burnell
2nd place team Anderson and Roberson
3rd place team Heil and Skinner
4th place team Draney, Tuckett, and Maynard
Small coyote winners Prather and Prather, 15.4#
Casper Dec. 12 2020
1st place team Heil and Skinner
2nd place winners Burnell and Wiginton
3rd place team Roberson and Anderson
4th place team Anderson and Gunther
Xcrawny coyote winners Campbell and Campbell
Little coyote winners Farr and Hatch
Cheyenne Dec. 19 2020
1st place team and Big Coyote winners Burkett and Petsch
2nd place team Edis, Edis, and Sowders
3rd place team Shroyer and Ekwall
Little Coyote winners Cathcart, Cathcart, and Roth
Lovell Jan. 9 2021
1st place team and Big Coyote winners Piippo, Tippetts, and Clark
2nd place team Akin and Miller
3rd place team Anderson and Roberson
Little Coyote winners Penman and Grant
Riverton Jan. 23 2021
1st Place & Big Coyote - Harvey Anderson and Colton Roberson
2nd place - Laramie Wiginton and Cenny Burrell
3rd place - Andrew Clark, Garrett Mehling and Justin Livingston
4th place - Mike Carruth and Luke Becker 4 Coyotes weighing in at 95.8lbs
5th place with 3 coyotes, Zane Bell Jr and Jesse Garza Jr.
Little Coyote: 20.2lbs Lance Jordan and Kodi Armajoe
Who's Fault was it!! / Jordan, Trumpler and Trumpler
Scavenger hunt Winners / Beau Schnider and Eric Logue
Rock Springs Feb. 6 2021
First Place & Big Coyote Anderson/Ginther 3 coyotes / Big Dog 35.7lbs
Second Place Skinner/Heil
Third Place Egbert/Pinter/Egbert
Little Coyote Ashworth/Ashworth 19.6 #
Newcastle Feb. 20 2021